God is good! Things are so busy here, don't know what to do, but it's all great!
Yesterday was our big medical camp. They had told me to be ready by 6. Unfortunately the night before I kept getting phone calls and so didn't get a lot of sleep :) so I was super happy when it started to rain and everyone came late :) Of course we started over an hour late :) but soon we were on our way. We had breakfast on the go as a team as well. Hot french bread right out of the bakery! It was great! It took over two hours to get there, we got lost, the minivan was over stuffed but we made it, all excited!!
Apparently there was a big something going on in the temple where we were apparently going to do the camp at the temple and so had to change venues. It got changed to the village chiefs house. We got there and there were no patients. But as soon as we got set up there was a lot of patients. We had 104 registered in a jiffy. And we started seeing patients. They were everywhere. We kept asking them to move and they kept coming and watching everything. It was an interesting morning. Tharanga and I were super busy preceptoring and we decided that I will teach them more stuff before the next camp so that things go faster and smoother. We had a special lunch cooked by one of the student's family. And then back to see patients. We had a great camp. last camp we saw 77 and this time 104 or 105. The second 1/2 of the days they really improved and I think they learned a lot more :)
We got home super late. I had put a cut off at 3:30 and we didn't get out till after 4 and home till 7 something. Everyone was exhausted, but the scenery was great! We were on dirt roads, fisherman, farmers in the field, ox driver carts. I wish I was sitting next to the window.
i have been wondering who will take over and if Tharanga will say yes and he did! So yay!
Came home super tired and stayed awake by force so I wouldn't wake up too early and just when I was about to go to sleep my uncle from India called. His son is going to Japan and he wanted tips on Japanese food tips for vegetarian and I am truly an expert on that!
Got up early in the morning and was super tired. Thought about cleaning but instead stayed in bed and did the laundry. :) Came down to find Michael and the students there in my dirty messing living room (the motorcycles from the day before caused 1/2 the floor to be dirty. I was thinking as I left that when I come back i will clean it, but instead michael and the girls cleaned the area! I couldn't believe how nice it looked! YAY!
So had time to eat and talk on the phone before the next set of students came. They are all so great. After class Michael and I talked and now it's time for me to catch up on everything!!
God is great! So everyday has been action packed since I got back from the holiday. No time to talk about yesterday, so I’ll talk about today. I got up early as usual. The Rhea girls needed a ride to their tournament cause their parents had to fly to Bangkok for medical evaluation. Pray for Mrs. Rhea. So I volunteered to get up early and take them. I love how God worked it out so that it was a blessing not only to them, but to our girls as well. So I had told Michael that church will only happen at 1 every Saturday, not two times a day. But he’s been so busy, he forgot. So while I was downstairs getting breakfast started, guess who appears, but two girls for church at the 7:30 time. J Had I not planned to pick up the girls at 8, I would have been in my room and they would have left thinking I was sleeping. So I let them in and with the movie we got yesterday I was able to turn it on while I left to drop off the girls. Came back and made coffee for everyone. I was starving and watched the movie with them and then we sang. M had brought her little niece who is twoish and so she was the only adult besides me, so I sang in English with her and then the usually shy girl sang in khmer, loud and beautifully! It was wonderful. I taught her my favorite song and it was pretty amazing how much she could read and how fast she picked it up.
As soon as they left I was on the phone until the girls called and said they wanted to come home. Of course that was my lunchtime, but I got there, got them, bought them ice-cream and came home. They got third place in the tournament. I had 15 minutes left before 1 and so praise God I had some of the vegetable stock left over from the previous days experiment with tom yum soup and so quickly had everything going and the soup was better today than yesterday and I figured out what it was lacking! I forgot something very important! But it was still really good!
The group came and one of the new girls came. We watched the Jesus film. They were really interested after reading the comic and so I thought the movie would be good to see and we went to buy it, but yesterday ended up getting it free when we went to a church to ask if they had English teachers we could hire. :)
At the end we talked about miracles and God’s love for people and I shared how Michael and I met J
As soon as they left I left to meet a stranger. On my way to Koh Kong I was at the bus stop forever and saw this Sikh guy. I don’t always talk to strangers and there were many foreigners there that day and didn’t feel like talking to any of them, but him, for some reason, I really wanted to. So I said hi and started talking. His bus came soon after that and we exchanged emails before he left. When I returned he contacted me and came over for 15 minutes before his flight back to Singapore. I shared a little about what we were doing and he saw the empty center and said he wanted to donate pencils to our school outreach and that his Cambodian based indian female colleague could use a friend. So I contacted her and we met up today. Both our schedules are tight but we worked it out and it was great. I honestly had no plans about talking about God. I was just going to talk about current stuff, our lives, etc and she asked me a question, I just couldn’t answer without starting with how we became Christian. As we talked I could see something was going on in her mind. She then told me how there had been two Christians in her life in India who had told her about Jesus and how she had even prayed at one time and asked for prayer right before she came, but hadn’t been keeping her relationship with God and she is having a tough time with her employees and was thinking about God and then here I was sharing all this. So we went to her apartment and prayed. We’ll be meeting up again in our free-time. But it was great. Interesting how God reached her through this random stranger guy. He’s awesome!!
Came home and hung out with the girls before heading home. Got an early day tomorrow. We leave at 6 for the medical camp! J
As soon as they left I was on the phone until the girls called and said they wanted to come home. Of course that was my lunchtime, but I got there, got them, bought them ice-cream and came home. They got third place in the tournament. I had 15 minutes left before 1 and so praise God I had some of the vegetable stock left over from the previous days experiment with tom yum soup and so quickly had everything going and the soup was better today than yesterday and I figured out what it was lacking! I forgot something very important! But it was still really good!
The group came and one of the new girls came. We watched the Jesus film. They were really interested after reading the comic and so I thought the movie would be good to see and we went to buy it, but yesterday ended up getting it free when we went to a church to ask if they had English teachers we could hire. :)
At the end we talked about miracles and God’s love for people and I shared how Michael and I met J
As soon as they left I left to meet a stranger. On my way to Koh Kong I was at the bus stop forever and saw this Sikh guy. I don’t always talk to strangers and there were many foreigners there that day and didn’t feel like talking to any of them, but him, for some reason, I really wanted to. So I said hi and started talking. His bus came soon after that and we exchanged emails before he left. When I returned he contacted me and came over for 15 minutes before his flight back to Singapore. I shared a little about what we were doing and he saw the empty center and said he wanted to donate pencils to our school outreach and that his Cambodian based indian female colleague could use a friend. So I contacted her and we met up today. Both our schedules are tight but we worked it out and it was great. I honestly had no plans about talking about God. I was just going to talk about current stuff, our lives, etc and she asked me a question, I just couldn’t answer without starting with how we became Christian. As we talked I could see something was going on in her mind. She then told me how there had been two Christians in her life in India who had told her about Jesus and how she had even prayed at one time and asked for prayer right before she came, but hadn’t been keeping her relationship with God and she is having a tough time with her employees and was thinking about God and then here I was sharing all this. So we went to her apartment and prayed. We’ll be meeting up again in our free-time. But it was great. Interesting how God reached her through this random stranger guy. He’s awesome!!
Came home and hung out with the girls before heading home. Got an early day tomorrow. We leave at 6 for the medical camp! J