I am pretty excited. You know how you dream and think about things and it looks like nothing will happen and then all of a sudden, God makes it all happen! :) Last year I went to Kenya to do volunteer work. While I was there I spent a lot of time with the pastor and he was telling me about all that they have done. One of the things they were doing was a feeding program. And for some reason as he talked about it, all I could think about was, that I wanted to do that as well. But being the practical person that I wasn't quite sure who or how that would happen. To my surprise I had an interesting conversation with Rithy (our head medical student) in the 5 days I was in the states before my next overseas volunteer medical mission and he was saddened by the fact that some people in Cambodia have anything money can buy and other kids don't have food to eat. So I mentioned my idea. We talked for a while excitedly and then realized we couldn't sustain something like that and decided to think about it. So when I arrived a month or two later we talked about it again. We met up with a nutritionist who basically said education was a better route. But as we were talking, I suddenly had this brilliant idea about having a home garden program. Going to the villages for medical camps, I'd seen the land and how much of it is empty and could be used to start a home garden (I recently started container gardening in america) and since we do education in the schools anyway, I thought we could add this to the curriculum. But everyone said it wouldn't work. I couldn't understand why and although I pushed it, everyone, I mean everyone said it wouldn't work. But I never give up when there is an idea that is really stuck in my heart. So I invited a friend of mine who is a farmer and a nurse to come in Feb for the medical camps and thought on the side she could help. But at the last minute she couldn't come. The day after I arrived I was talking about the program again and basically my students said they didn't know how to do it an didn't have access to anyone who could help. But I kept talking about it. One of our volunteers from America introduced me to an NGO who was doing a garden program in the villages. So I met up with them and found out they are getting help from the government to do it. They pay the government to train them. That's great, BUT, I like to save as much money as possible. The last week one of my friends said his friend is looking for help in starting a feeding program where for 25-50 cents a day per student we could help kids go to school by providing them breakfast (or else they are too hungry to study). I was very excited and to my surprise the next day Rithy said he would help and that we could even start a garden in the school to help decrease the costs. I said to him that he didn't like the idea. But he said that its a good idea and so he will do it even if he doesn't want to do it :) Now our only problem was none of us knew how to plant a real garden. So I asked God to send me someone, like an agricultural student. God did better than that. 2 days before me leaving I got a random email from someone in bosnia asking if I needed agricultural help. No where on my website does it talk about that! God is sooo good! I talked to him the day after I got back to America and he was sooo amazing. He was working for the government giving seeds to people to help them plant gardens. He was willing to take a boat from bosnia to cambodia for lack of finances. He was amazing and perfect! So God worked everything out. Now we are in the process of figuring out details! Both my garden and feeding program will start this fall when I return. Now all we need is money! :) But if God did this, He will do the rest too! YAY! I don't know if anyone reads my blogs, but if you do and you want to help, we would love your donations for these programs.
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