Save Each One is a tax exempt public charity with 501(c)3 status, meaning you receive a tax write off when you donate to Save Each One. Our staff in America is strictly volunteer so that 100% of what you donate goes towards the causes you are helping.
Facebook does not charge a fee for donations we receive. You can donate to us on our Facebook page at:
Facebook does not charge a fee for donations we receive. You can donate to us on our Facebook page at:
PayPal does take a percentage out of your donation for use of their services. If you would like you may also send a check to
*** If you sent a check between December 2022 and May 2023 and it was returned, the issue has been fixed and USPS assures me their employees have been trained correctly now***
Mailing Address:
Save Each One
PO Box 27404
Seattle WA 98165
*** If you sent a check between December 2022 and May 2023 and it was returned, the issue has been fixed and USPS assures me their employees have been trained correctly now***
Mailing Address:
Save Each One
PO Box 27404
Seattle WA 98165
iGiveiGive is a way to help out Save Each One when you buy things online. It costs you nothing, but by using iGive, a percentage of your total is donated to us by the company you purchased from.
To sign up follow this link iGive
All you have to do is download the sign up and download the iGive button/app from their site. When you visit participating websites (eg Best Buy) you will see a message letting you know the percentage of the total purchase that they will donate to Save Each One. And as a BONUS to you, there will be a triangle button in the lower right coner of your screen that says (iGive is on) if you click on it you can find great coupons that may help you with your purchace!
Amazon Smile: You can donate 0.5% of your amazon purchase by choosing our organization when you shop on amazon
Email: [email protected]