Testimonies of God's goodness from church
I got a call from customs saying I had ordered illegal stuff. I hadn't ordered anything. I talked to a lawyer and prayed. I went there and a different customs officer talked to me. That person knew me. He was surprised to see me. He said there is no way you could have done this. He found out who did it. The customs officer cleared my name and my company's name! Anything could have happened but God brought the right person.
My hands and arms and legs hurt so much. I was getting prayer but nothing was happening. Two students saw me getting prayer. I wanted a car ride because I could barely walk but they aren't my students so i just prayed and asked God. while i was just asking God, the students asked if I wanted a ride and God healed my pain too!! He answered even before I was done!
I bought a motorcycle. I didnt have money for it. God sent a friend to loan me money for it and I was able to pay him back and fix it and now can sell it at a profit.
I was learning to drive and it was really hard for me. But through prayer God taught me how and i got a great job and even was able to buy a house!! I prayed for 2-3 of my friends and they were able to get good jobs too!
My son had a bad stomach ache and so I couldn't go to church. I prayed and God healed him.
We had some land problems but I prayed and God got us a great land with all the right papers.
My husbands foot was hurting. He asked me to pray and he got healed.
I had appendix surgery and i was in pain, so I prayed and was healed.
I got a Vodafone connection for my cell phone. I had gotten it before for 20 days and they had all these extra charges. I asked them to end the plan end and they said not for 3 months. So I was frustrated, and i said I won't pay and didn't. I knew I was on the blacklist. But now a year later, it has a great plan. I went to my work to get the Vodafone connection and they said if Vodafone asked for the old money I would have to give it. I said ok... Praise God it all the fees were waived and I have my new connection!
Thus week, I messed up at work and lost 14 million pounds at work. I was sure I would get fired. All my hard work for 1 1/2 years would be lost. I prayed and said God if it is my fault or not, let me not get fired. Everyone would say just accept you did wrong. I would say no. My boss who loves me wouldn't look at me. My peers were giving false testimonies of me doing bad work. But my boss stood up for me and said that upto now i had done great. I don't know how, God has saved me and I didn't even get a warning.
I got a call from customs saying I had ordered illegal stuff. I hadn't ordered anything. I talked to a lawyer and prayed. I went there and a different customs officer talked to me. That person knew me. He was surprised to see me. He said there is no way you could have done this. He found out who did it. The customs officer cleared my name and my company's name! Anything could have happened but God brought the right person.
My hands and arms and legs hurt so much. I was getting prayer but nothing was happening. Two students saw me getting prayer. I wanted a car ride because I could barely walk but they aren't my students so i just prayed and asked God. while i was just asking God, the students asked if I wanted a ride and God healed my pain too!! He answered even before I was done!
I bought a motorcycle. I didnt have money for it. God sent a friend to loan me money for it and I was able to pay him back and fix it and now can sell it at a profit.
I was learning to drive and it was really hard for me. But through prayer God taught me how and i got a great job and even was able to buy a house!! I prayed for 2-3 of my friends and they were able to get good jobs too!
My son had a bad stomach ache and so I couldn't go to church. I prayed and God healed him.
We had some land problems but I prayed and God got us a great land with all the right papers.
My husbands foot was hurting. He asked me to pray and he got healed.
I had appendix surgery and i was in pain, so I prayed and was healed.
I got a Vodafone connection for my cell phone. I had gotten it before for 20 days and they had all these extra charges. I asked them to end the plan end and they said not for 3 months. So I was frustrated, and i said I won't pay and didn't. I knew I was on the blacklist. But now a year later, it has a great plan. I went to my work to get the Vodafone connection and they said if Vodafone asked for the old money I would have to give it. I said ok... Praise God it all the fees were waived and I have my new connection!
Thus week, I messed up at work and lost 14 million pounds at work. I was sure I would get fired. All my hard work for 1 1/2 years would be lost. I prayed and said God if it is my fault or not, let me not get fired. Everyone would say just accept you did wrong. I would say no. My boss who loves me wouldn't look at me. My peers were giving false testimonies of me doing bad work. But my boss stood up for me and said that upto now i had done great. I don't know how, God has saved me and I didn't even get a warning.