It's 10pm and the day is ending. All in all a very productive day and all without planning. My plans don't work, but God's plans work out perfectly. So I was feeling quite jet lagged yesterday and when I am feeling so tired and out of it, it's hard for me to be there for people. I knew the girls were coming home and so asked God to make me ready! And :)
Noonish the rhea's arrived. Mr. Rhea came straight to my room to talk. It was so good to see him. He is sooo happy! So alive. So excited! I loved it! I was supposed to be leaving for lunch so was sorry I wouldnt' be able to talk to them all, but the housing appt couldn't be delayed so lunch had to be :) So I got extra time with the Rheas and they came to see the house with me. It was a blessing to have them there. I love the house! Yes there are issues but it's better than I could have expected! Especially my room :) and it comes with two airconditioners! :)
Met up with Kimmy after that. There are certain people that although we are both christians we never talk about God, we just laugh and laugh and laugh and have fun together and although I have a ton of things to share about the last year, I shared none but one and we just laughed and had fun the whole 3 hours we hung out. She was a great source of info for me about a lot of things. I told her she was my little angel from God. :) I am so blessed! And I met her by chance at the orphanage we visited 2 years ago. Instead of talking and playing with the kids like everyone else I ended up talking to her and we bonded over indian movies and shah rukh khan heheh! :) Interestingly enough, when it was time to leave, my child is the one who started crying although I had only played with her for the songs. I think when God wants you somewhere, the hearts of the people are so open to you, they can feel the love God has placed in your heart for them.
Got a tour of the Intercontinental hotel and then Michael picked me up. We were headed home but since I had offered to help with his english class we went there and he introduced me to the principal and I got invited to the Christmas party they are having and will be teaching a health class :)
Then we went to a local government official's house (she lives in a dumpy area and has a little shop like you see on the side of the road in India. Her kids were adorable. While I smiled at them at a loss for words, Michael arranged for me to meet with the community leaders later this week and this lady is going to take us to a village after that! It's awesome how God opens doors. I was wondering how my medical side of things would take off when I left America and it looks like it is going to be up and running even before the center is open - but I really like the place for the center/shelter - it's even a gated community!
God is sooo good!
So I felt a little bad cause I was coming home 2 hours after dinner and I figured the girls would be all sad BUT they weren't even home when I came home. They had gone to a birthday party. I came home and ate and just when Michael and I got done with a little business they showed up! So we were up talking and sharing our lives till they had to go to bed. I love them! They are all sooo awesome! Any awkwardness I had about staying at their house has totally melted away now! I love the rheas - each and every one of them.
God is sooo good to me! I get to meet the best people all over the world.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and remember that with God all things are possible so shoot for the stars and dream big, because God will make your dreams a reality!
Noonish the rhea's arrived. Mr. Rhea came straight to my room to talk. It was so good to see him. He is sooo happy! So alive. So excited! I loved it! I was supposed to be leaving for lunch so was sorry I wouldnt' be able to talk to them all, but the housing appt couldn't be delayed so lunch had to be :) So I got extra time with the Rheas and they came to see the house with me. It was a blessing to have them there. I love the house! Yes there are issues but it's better than I could have expected! Especially my room :) and it comes with two airconditioners! :)
Met up with Kimmy after that. There are certain people that although we are both christians we never talk about God, we just laugh and laugh and laugh and have fun together and although I have a ton of things to share about the last year, I shared none but one and we just laughed and had fun the whole 3 hours we hung out. She was a great source of info for me about a lot of things. I told her she was my little angel from God. :) I am so blessed! And I met her by chance at the orphanage we visited 2 years ago. Instead of talking and playing with the kids like everyone else I ended up talking to her and we bonded over indian movies and shah rukh khan heheh! :) Interestingly enough, when it was time to leave, my child is the one who started crying although I had only played with her for the songs. I think when God wants you somewhere, the hearts of the people are so open to you, they can feel the love God has placed in your heart for them.
Got a tour of the Intercontinental hotel and then Michael picked me up. We were headed home but since I had offered to help with his english class we went there and he introduced me to the principal and I got invited to the Christmas party they are having and will be teaching a health class :)
Then we went to a local government official's house (she lives in a dumpy area and has a little shop like you see on the side of the road in India. Her kids were adorable. While I smiled at them at a loss for words, Michael arranged for me to meet with the community leaders later this week and this lady is going to take us to a village after that! It's awesome how God opens doors. I was wondering how my medical side of things would take off when I left America and it looks like it is going to be up and running even before the center is open - but I really like the place for the center/shelter - it's even a gated community!
God is sooo good!
So I felt a little bad cause I was coming home 2 hours after dinner and I figured the girls would be all sad BUT they weren't even home when I came home. They had gone to a birthday party. I came home and ate and just when Michael and I got done with a little business they showed up! So we were up talking and sharing our lives till they had to go to bed. I love them! They are all sooo awesome! Any awkwardness I had about staying at their house has totally melted away now! I love the rheas - each and every one of them.
God is sooo good to me! I get to meet the best people all over the world.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and remember that with God all things are possible so shoot for the stars and dream big, because God will make your dreams a reality!