Happy Birthday Nolan!
Two more days till the camp! YAY! tomorrow the students come to sort the meds and place them in bags :) I think we will have too many volunteers :) but how can I say no to anyone.
Two days ago a missionary died here. He used to go to a small cambodian pool and play with the poor cambodian children there. Apparently he had a heartattack and fell into the water. The kids thought he was messing around but realized something was wrong when his body started floating. They called for help but of course he was already dead and the security guard didn't know cpr. The fmaily didn't find out until 2 hours later. I didn't know him but Michael knew him well and is quite shaken up. The man was 53 and loved by a lot of people. MIchael has been having bad dreams for days now about old people dying and poor guy is really scared about who is going to die next. Pray for him to get over his fear and that he not in any way feel anyone is dying because he isn't praying enough because of course that isn't the case. I have never seen him like this before. :( Pray for the family as well.
So my car has been steaming and when I picked Una up from the airport was making weird sounds when I turned it off. So today as I was driving her there I told Michael I need to see a mechanic and told him the problem. He had e stop the car and was going to put water in it and I just wasn't sure. I've seen it in Indian movies, but given my air conditioning wasn't working I figured we needed coolant in there. So Michael called his old house father and apparently it's both. So we stopped at a gas station and we bought a can - looked like pop and none of us knew what to do with it and so the guy there did it for us :) It was a neon green color. Interesting. Una, Michael and I learned something new and we still made it to the airport in time.
Driving during the day is much harder through the back roads. Everyone goes every which way, but we made it without a problem :) Back tomorrow to pick her up.
Yesterday the group learned about burns. They remembered fire safety so I was happy :) We had 2 new people join. Daugthers of beer garden workers.
Today for church we learned how nothing is impossible for God. It was pretty good but we got done very early. Michael brought vutai, a little 5 year old whose mom I saw in a make shift medical camp I did 2 years ago. She died and now a nice government offical is taking care of her. So she comes to church every now and then and today it was so cool to watch her worship. Everyone likes to sing Open the Eyes of my Heart in English and I was surprised to see her singing away! She knew the words, tune, eveyrthing! The new favorite song that I taught them last week is "I could sing of your love forever". Since we got done early I decided to have the girls (only the girls came) share 3 good things about themselves. It was interesting to watch. They were so nervous and couldn't come up with stuff and it was great to have Una there to be able to share good stuff about herself and then them say she wasn't bad for saying it. That openned them up a little bit and they were able to share stuff. It's interesting how most Asian cultures aren't into compliments and yet they are so important to building self esteem. Pray for them all :)
Two more days till the camp! YAY! tomorrow the students come to sort the meds and place them in bags :) I think we will have too many volunteers :) but how can I say no to anyone.
Two days ago a missionary died here. He used to go to a small cambodian pool and play with the poor cambodian children there. Apparently he had a heartattack and fell into the water. The kids thought he was messing around but realized something was wrong when his body started floating. They called for help but of course he was already dead and the security guard didn't know cpr. The fmaily didn't find out until 2 hours later. I didn't know him but Michael knew him well and is quite shaken up. The man was 53 and loved by a lot of people. MIchael has been having bad dreams for days now about old people dying and poor guy is really scared about who is going to die next. Pray for him to get over his fear and that he not in any way feel anyone is dying because he isn't praying enough because of course that isn't the case. I have never seen him like this before. :( Pray for the family as well.
So my car has been steaming and when I picked Una up from the airport was making weird sounds when I turned it off. So today as I was driving her there I told Michael I need to see a mechanic and told him the problem. He had e stop the car and was going to put water in it and I just wasn't sure. I've seen it in Indian movies, but given my air conditioning wasn't working I figured we needed coolant in there. So Michael called his old house father and apparently it's both. So we stopped at a gas station and we bought a can - looked like pop and none of us knew what to do with it and so the guy there did it for us :) It was a neon green color. Interesting. Una, Michael and I learned something new and we still made it to the airport in time.
Driving during the day is much harder through the back roads. Everyone goes every which way, but we made it without a problem :) Back tomorrow to pick her up.
Yesterday the group learned about burns. They remembered fire safety so I was happy :) We had 2 new people join. Daugthers of beer garden workers.
Today for church we learned how nothing is impossible for God. It was pretty good but we got done very early. Michael brought vutai, a little 5 year old whose mom I saw in a make shift medical camp I did 2 years ago. She died and now a nice government offical is taking care of her. So she comes to church every now and then and today it was so cool to watch her worship. Everyone likes to sing Open the Eyes of my Heart in English and I was surprised to see her singing away! She knew the words, tune, eveyrthing! The new favorite song that I taught them last week is "I could sing of your love forever". Since we got done early I decided to have the girls (only the girls came) share 3 good things about themselves. It was interesting to watch. They were so nervous and couldn't come up with stuff and it was great to have Una there to be able to share good stuff about herself and then them say she wasn't bad for saying it. That openned them up a little bit and they were able to share stuff. It's interesting how most Asian cultures aren't into compliments and yet they are so important to building self esteem. Pray for them all :)